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Living Colours Led Lamp

Thursday, April 28, 2011

One day when i Went to the shopping mall, I see this Ace Led lamp
there in front of me saying I am from the future
The gadget looked realy cool
I always wanted a stylish lamp that could glow red or green
So was so excited this lamp could change between several colors
I was looking at a Living colors Mini by Philips
But soon found out i wanted the bigger brother instead.

If the Pricetag for Living colors mini was not high enough
The price for the bigger brother could make you scream pulling your hair
I realy had to burn some money for the Bigger brother
but got a 15 euro giftcard with the purchase

Living colors lamp comes in different shapes and colors
all from opaque white and black to glass or black transparent.
the mini version is mostly opaque white,black etc..
The mini version has no remote and is controlled from the lamp itself

The bigger brother has a remote and has no buttons on the lamp
it is better to get the bigger version like i Did even is more expensive
cause you can dim the light and believe me you will need it

There is a 1 generation and 2 generation which give 50% more light
so make sure you get the 2 generation just look at the box for the model number.
All lamps can change colors light.

I got a bit confused when i found there was 2 versions of 2 generation
one with Oval shape remote and the other with sphere remote
I will explain the difference here
Click for bigger image

Here I compare the black-transparent 69143/65/PH vs 69171/30/PH
It was not easy to find the difference between theese two
I realy had to call someone in Philips to dig it up.

After talking to Philips i found out that 69143/65/PH is older than 69171/30/PH
but both lamps are 2 generation
but 69143/65/PH use the 1 generation oval shaped remote
this was changed in 69171/30/PH with the new 2 generation sphere remote
so the 69171/30/PH is the newest.

To the Left: 69143/65/PH with oval remote
To the Right: 69171/30/PH with sphere remote

There is NO difference between the lamps the only change is a upgrade in the remote.
So what is upgraded in the round remote?
Acording to Philips except for the visual design the new round remote
supplied with for example 69171/30/PH let you save 3 favorite colors
so you easy can acess them this comes in handy.

So say you want to turn on the lamp and choose red Color
with 69143/65/PH you have to push the ON button and then search for the perfect red
with 69171/30/PH you just push one of the 3 favorite buttons and lamp turn on
to the right contrast you saved it to.

The older 69143/65/PH tend to be cheaper price now so if you can be without the favorite savebutton you should know that both models let you adjust the brightness, saturnation, change colors etc...
so it all comes down to if you need to save some color in memory
and if you prefer a Sphere instead of oval shaped remote.

The oval shaped classic remote tend to be easier on people than the round remote
but I quickly adapted to using the round remote
if you careful when you grab the remote it be fine

I think the sphere remote look so much better beside the lamp than the oval shape
look much more futuristic
So Between this 2 models I would advice you to get the 6917130PH with the sphere shaped remote.

Yesterday i bought the 6917130PH and so far I am happy with it
Is better to buy a lamp in a nearby store and pay more
then you can try it in the store and return it easy
instead of buying it online cheaper

The sphere remote paired quick and easy with the lamp
The remote uses a radio frequency transmitter and reciever om the 2.4 GHz ISM band
The microcontroller in the remote and lamp is a low power microcontroller from Texas Instruments.
This means sometimes Wifi signals and mobile phone can interfere with the lamp remote but so far i have not had any problems.

Some people say 4 lamps are needed to lit up a living room
but for a normal sized living room anything between 1-2 lamps will do.
Get 2 lamps if you want to mix 2 colors.
I might get a second lamp later on.

You can see on the photos below how well it shines in my living room:

I made a video:

Here is a video i found on internet:

This other video i found show 2 lamps mixing two colors


  1. Wolfmann VGD said...

    Nice, I will have to search and see if I can get my hands on one or two.

  2. Olena said...


    Good to hear that you are enjoying the lamp!

    Another difference between the oval and the round remote, is that the round remote lets you control several lamps together or one by one. So if you buy another LivingColors Gen2, you can control both lamps with one remote, and the settings that you store will also work for both lamps (e.g. you can store that one LivingColors is green and the other one is blue, as your setting 1).

    Hope this helps, and enjoy the lights!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Contrary to the above poster's information, I have two Gen 2 69143 lamps and you can control them both from a single remote.

    What I would like to know please is: can you use a 69171 remote to control a mixture of 69171 and 69143 lamps simultaneously?


  4. Anonymous said...

    Some details:

    The 69143/65/PH have 7 LED, the new 69171/30/PH have 1 high power LED.
    And the new 69171/30/PH is the slightly larger than the 69143/65/PH. But the difference is minimal.

    Sorry for my English ;)

  5. Anonymous said...

    Hi, I wonder if you had a chance to review Gen 3 iris. I am planning to get one, but i am not sure how gen 3 is compared to gen 2 and which one i should choose. thank you!

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